ficus triangularis

Ficus Triangularis: Ultimate Gardening Guide

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Ficus triangularis, otherwise known as the Fiddle-Leaf Fig, is a type of plant that has been popular for centuries. Its large leaves and small compact form make it ideal for indoors or outdoors in a shady spot. The plants’ triangular-shaped leaves give this plant its name, and this helps reduce the amount of dust that accumulates on them during their growth cycle.

Ficus Triangularis Overview

There are over 800 species in the Ficus genus. Ficus plants are a tropical native of West Africa, although it has been cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Ficus triangularis falls into the family Moraceae. This name is Latin for “mulberry.” Similarly, this plant is not an actual fig because it lacks the scientific designation of being an “endocarp.” There are many other Ficus plants, but the most popular is the Ficus triangularis var. Benjamina. Variegated Ficus triangularis can be both an outdoor and indoor plant.

Botanical NameFicus Triangularis
OriginSouth Africa
SunlightIndirect medium to bright light.
WateringEvery 1-2 weeks,
SoilWell-draining potting mix
Temperature65-75°F (18-24°C)
PropagationAir layering or cuttings
Re-PottingOnce every year
Pests and DiseasesProne to bugs and pests

Ficus Triangularis Features

The leaves of the Ficus triangularis variegata are large, broad, and have a deep green color. They are also slightly shiny and smooth. The leaves can grow up to 15 feet long in some cases, but it is more common for them to be around 6-8 inches long.

The plant itself will grow up to 15 feet tall indoors or outdoors in shaded areas. This tropical plant has many different varieties, but the most popular is the Fiddle Leaf Fig tree (Ficus triangularis var. Benjamina).

Read our related post on the Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata!

Ficus Triangularis Variegata Care Guide

Although not every type of Ficus triangularis Variegata produces fruit, Ficus Benjamina does produce fruit that is green in color. The variegated leaves of Ficus triangularis can be either odd or even-numbered, but usually have an even number of leaves on each stem.

Ficus triangularis variegata care is easy, and it stays compact when grown indoors, making it very popular. It will also produce edible fruit when ripe, although the fruit can be inedible when it is not ripe.

The common Fiddle Leaf Fig tree can grow well indoors with both high and low light areas. However, they prefer medium to bright indirect sunlight, and they need moist soil with good drainage. You should water every 1-2 weeks.

Ideal Growing Place

Ficus triangularis variegata is an ideal houseplant. As stated above, it prefers medium to bright indirect sunlight and needs moist soil with good drainage.

This plant does well indoors because its leaves reduce the amount of dust accumulated on them during their growth cycle. It has a unique form and can be placed in any area of your home for aesthetic purposes.

It is also an ideal outdoor plant because it grows well in shady areas with moist soil types and good drainage. Once Ficus triangularis is mature, it will produce large, broad leaves with a deep green color that also shines.


While the Ficus triangularis variegata needs moist soil with good drainage, be sure to avoid over-watering or watering it from above. Instead, you should water every 1-2 weeks, depending on the season and climate. You don’t want to leave the potting mix wet for too long or use cold water when watering. When Ficus triangularis is left in either cold or standing water, it will cause the roots to rot and eventually kill your fern.

Water your Ficus Triangularis when the potting mix is dry to touch. Continue until the excess water runs through the bottom of the pot, and when the water evaporates, and the soil dries, begin the process again.


Ficus triangularis can grow in both high and low light areas. However, they prefer indirect medium to bright light. How much light is too much direct sunlight? Watch for withering or scorching from the direct sun around your plant’s edges and cause them to fall off or lose their color. Indirect light is key!


Although ferns prefer warm and humid climates, Ficus triangularis can grow in both high and low-temperature areas. It does best in temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). There needs to be a humidity level of around 60%, and it should always be above 55% if you want your tree to grow quickly. This Ficus does well at normal household temperatures.


The variegated Ficus triangularis prefers a well-draining potting mix that’s high in organic matter. You can also try a diluted houseplant fertilizer. It needs a specific pH level where the soil is acidic between 5.0-6.4 to thrive. Avoid direct light from the sun.


The variegated variety Ficus prefers 60-70% humidity, and if it’s grown indoors, you’ll want a small humidifier to keep the air moisture levels correct. Unfortunately, it does not like dry air or cold drafts (be careful with air conditioners), making it more difficult for it to absorb water through the plant’s leaves.


Ficus triangularis are not very picky when it comes to fertilizers. They need a good quality low-nitrogen fertilizer with age, size, and potting mix written on the label. Fertilizing every 2 months during their growing season for large leaf varieties or once per month for smaller ones will keep your plant healthy and foliage looking good.


You do not need to prune the Ficus triangularis variegata, but you can trim or pinch a few leaves to give it a particular shape. To keep it full and bushy, you can pinch the branches back periodically if it’s not in quite enough sunlight. 

Potting and Re-potting

When the plant pot’s roots fill the pot, repot the variegated Ficus triangularis once every year in late winter or early spring. Make sure the pot is about 2 inches wider and deeper than the tree. Don’t forget adequate drainage holes in the new pot!

Growth Zone

In USDA hardiness zones 10 and 11, this ficus tree cannot survive winters below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Unfortunately, cold draughts are not this Ficus’ friend.

Common Pests, Toxins, Diseases & Other Problems

One of the most common problems this amazing plant has is root rot due to over-watering or direct exposure to cold water. That is why drainage holes for potted plants are so important. Remember, never use ice-cold water with your Ficus triangularis variegata plant! Another common problem is wilting leaves because it doesn’t have enough light or humidity. If your fern wilts and you can’t figure out why check to see if it’s in a drafty area and make sure the potting soil is moist. If that doesn’t help, apply more fertilizer your fern needs and keep the soil moist while recovering. Finally, beware of Mealy Bugs and Aphids.


Ficus variegated is most commonly propagated by air layering or cuttings. During the spring and summer months, these can be taken with a very sharp knife or pruning shears. Make sure you use rooting hormone to help them grow roots quickly.

Ficus Triangularis Mature Timeline

Week 1-2: Plant the cuttings in a bright, humid space.

Weeks 3-4: By now, the roots should be growing. The plant should be properly taken care of after removing the plastic bag.

Weeks 5-7: The roots are well established, so you can move the plant to a bigger pot without damaging it.

Months 2-4: You will have to be very consistent in caring for the plant as it grows.

Ficus Triangularis Variegata FAQ

How Old Does Ficus Triangularis Have to Be Before They Bloom?

The triangle Ficus does not have flowers.

Is Ficus Triangularis Hard to Care For?

The Ficus triangularis is easy to care for and grows quite easily.

Is Ficus Triangularis Variegata Rare?

No, the Ficus triangularis variegata is not rare.

How Do You Make Ficus Triangularis Bushy?

Ficus triangularis’ green leaves can become bushy quickly if you pinch the tips of each stem with your index finger and thumb. It is also important to cut away any dead leaves or stems immediately.

Why Are the Leaves on My Ficus Triangularis Turning Yellow and Falling Off?

The leaves on the Ficus triangularis are turning yellow because it is experiencing too much stress in its environment. Some common causes of stress include dry soil, direct sunlight, and cold temperatures (below 40°F).

Is It Easy to Care For a Ficus Triangularis Plant?

Yes, the Ficus triangularis is an easy plant to maintain indoors or outdoors in a shady spot.

Is the Variegated Ficus Triangularis Toxic? 

No, the Ficus triangularis is not toxic and makes good houseplants with animals and young children around.

The Bottom Line

Ficus Triangularis, also known as the Weeping Fig, Tree Fern, or the Triangle Lead Plant, is one of the most popular houseplants for beginners and experienced gardeners alike. This is one of the best plants to aesthetically fill your home with greenery and purify the air when grown indoors. The Ficus triangularis has an easy-going nature compared to other ferns, making it ideal for even the most novice gardener! So head on to your local nursery and get planting!

Last Updated on August 23, 2022 by Gustaf Johansson

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