Dischidia ovata is a unique houseplant that possesses many unique characteristics. This plant is a truly beautiful trailing species with over ten thousand years of history. Dischidia ovata is also known as the Watermelon plant because the leaf markings on its dark green, oval-shaped leaves look like the rind of a watermelon.
What makes this plant truly special? Find out more about your plant in our ultimate guide to its care below.
Table of Contents
Dischidia Ovata Overview
Dischidia Ovata is an unbranched, creeping, or climbing plant that reaches up to eight inches in height when grown indoors. It produces small clusters of flowers that bloom from the leaf axils. Dischidia ovata thrives best in a well-drained soil mix with moderate watering.
Dischidia Ovata is a member of the Apocynaceae family, and its genus is Dischidia. It originated from Southeast Asia and Australasia, and the common name of Dischidia Ovata is Watermelon Dischidia.
Dischidia Ovata has a number of varieties: Dischidia major, Dischidia nummularifolia and Dischidia paniculata.
Botanical Name | Dischidia ovata |
Family | Apocynaceae |
Genus | Dischidia |
Origin | Southeast Asia and Australasia |
Sunlight | A lot of light exposure |
Watering | Daily |
Soil | Ordinary potting mix with good drainage |
Temperature | 65°F during winter and 75°F during summer |
Propagation | Water propagation, stem cuttings |
Re-Potting | 2 years |
Pests and Diseases | Susceptible to pests, toxins, diseases, or other problems |
Toxicity | Non-toxic to kids and pets |
Dischidia Ovata Features
Dischidia Ovata is a vine plant with flat, cylindrical leaves. These plants flower from the leaf axils and produce fragrant roots. This type of vine prefers a well-drained soil mix with moderate watering. It is best to provide the plant with sufficient humidity and enough light exposure.
The plant’s vines can grow as long as eight feet and become wider over time. The leaves are bright green and flat, growing in a circular pattern, with each leaf about an inch to two inches long. The usually green leaves will take on a purple hue in bright light. Pest resistant and great indoors, Dischidia is suitable as a household plant or an accent for potted arrangements.
Dischidia Ovata Care Guide
Dischidia plants are best grown indoors. While low maintenance, the right amount of light, humidity, water, and nutrients are needed to keep Dischidia ovata healthy. For success in growing these beautiful ornamental vines at home, it is important to provide them with the right environment for optimal growth.
Dischidia plants can be found on tall trees exposed to high humidity and moist air, reaching up to eight feet in height.
Dischidia Ovata Watermelon Ideal Growing Place
Dischidia Ovata is a vine plant that thrives in high humidity. It can be found on tall trees exposed to high humidity and moist air. Vines can extend up to eight feet, but their height doesn’t grow upwards more than a few inches. Growing Dischidia indoors or inside a greenhouse requires you to have a well-drained, normal potting medium or soil mix with indirect sunlight exposure.
Flowers appear in red, pink, and yellow colors during different stages of growth.
Dischidia plants are very easy to grow plants. However, like other plants, it would be best to grow them in spring or summer when they are most active.
Dischidia plants require watering when the soil is thoroughly dry. This means that you will have to check on your vine plant daily and ensure that it gets enough water during hot months or summers. It is best to use rain, distilled, or reverse osmosis water for watering your vine plant.
Dischidias require a lot of light exposure to grow successfully. The best place for growing them indoors would be an area with many windows so they can get plenty of sunlight from dawn till dusk. Ensure that your vine does not experience any strong drafts or direct winds by keeping it away from poorly sealed windows and vents. In addition, avoid placing your houseplant near artificial heat sources such as televisions, lamps, and ovens, as the heat may scorch the leaves of the vine plant over time.
Watering should be reduced if the plant is exposed to very low levels of natural light. You may also want to use a grow lamp or an artificial lighting source for your vine plant if it only gets about four hours of sunlight exposure during the winter months.
Humidity should be high when growing Dischidia in areas exposed to direct sunlight because this will prevent water loss through transpiration or evaporation. However, you need to ensure that your houseplant does not dry out entirely, especially when it does not receive enough humidity outdoors.
Dischidia plants can survive in a wide range of temperatures. However, they prefer an average room temperature of about 65 degrees Fahrenheit during winter and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months. In addition, it is best to keep the soil moist and keep it from freezing or getting too hot.
Dischidia plants thrive in ordinary potting mix with good drainage to promote root growth. It is best to use regular potting soil for your vine plant with about one-third peat moss or sphagnum moss which will increase the acidity of your growing medium. Growing Dischidias outdoors or placing them outdoors during the summer months are ideal for this type of houseplant because it prefers moist, humus-rich soils.
Dischidias need a lot of humidity to grow successfully because they are native to tropical regions where the air remains humid most of the time. Therefore, growing them under a misting system would help maintain high humidity levels indoors, especially if you do not live somewhere with constant rainfall.
A good tip for growing Dischidia is to place a tray of pebbles below the pot with daily water so that the excess water will drain back into it instead of having it pool on top of your plant’s soil.
Dischidia plants grown indoors or outdoors benefit from being fertilized once a month with plant food during their growing season. An excellent way to ensure that your Dischidia plant absorbs nutrients in the right amount is by applying a diluted solution around its root zone and then letting the soil dry out before watering again.
Dischidia plants lead a slow-growing lifestyle that makes it easy to manage indoors. It is best to pinch the vine plant at regular intervals so you will be able to control its shape and size. Pinching Dischidia plants helps encourage branching, which gives your houseplant an attractive full appearance.
Potting and Re-Potting
Dischidia plants belong to the squamosa houseplant family, which means they have thick, fleshy leaves capable of storing water for long periods. This type of foliage is ideal for growing vines because it allows them to cling to trees without developing thick woody stems. In addition, bright indirect light is preferred throughout the day even though these vines can survive in low-light conditions such as under artificial lighting or shade.
Dischidia ovata grows slowly, so you may not need to re-pot your vine every year. Growing them out of direct sunlight or warm temperatures is also advisable, making it unnecessary for you to move these houseplants outdoors. However, if you want to increase the size of your vine plant or if its growing medium becomes compacted after a couple of years, you need to re-pot Dischidias by removing the entire root ball and replacing it with fresh potting soil.
Growth Zone
The USDA plant hardiness zone for Dischidia ovata is 11 to 12. These vines do best in tropical and subtropical climates. They love high humidity and warmth, making them ideal for growing indoors or outdoors if you live in a region with the right conditions. Dischidias are usually grown outdoors in Singapore because of their year-round warm weather. Still, they can also survive well inside the home when given enough sunlight and care.
Common Pests, Toxins, Diseases & Other Problems
Dischidias are susceptible to mealy bugs, scale insects, mites, leaf spots, and root rot when grown outdoors or indoors in a humid environment. To keep these pests away, make sure that you regularly check your houseplant for any sign of them, especially during humid seasons or hot months. You may also want to quarantine new purchases of vine plants about two weeks before placing them with other indoor plants to prevent bringing harmful bugs indoors.
Dischidia ovata Propagation
Dischidia vines can be propagated easily by dividing their thick roots and taking stem cuttings around five to eight inches long. Place the stems in moist peat moss, vermiculite, or water until new roots have formed.
If propagating by water, be sure to change the water frequently. If the water is murky, it needs to be replaced. If propagating in moss, soil, or vermiculate, be sure to water regularly to encourage rooting and new growth. Also, ensure your cuttings get plenty of sun.
Water propagation yields new growth in about 7 weeks, while moss, soil, or vermiculate propagation is about 3 weeks.
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Watermelon Dischidia Mature Timeline
Week 1: Watermelon Dischidia vines are planted and are in their baby stage. They have small roots which can be found at the bottom of each stem node. These vines will only grow about one inch within the first week, so pay close attention to them as they establish themselves in their new home.
Week 2: The stems of your Watermelon vine plant now reach up to two inches which is a significant increase from last week’s growth rate. Allowing these plants to dry out slightly between watering spells will help promote faster and healthier growth because water retention is bad for indoor plants that don’t need too much moisture anyway.
Week 3: Another inch will be added to the stems of your Watermelon vine plant on Week 3. If you placed them in direct sunlight, make sure to check for signs of burning or leaf wilt so you can prevent these harmful effects from taking over the leaves. If possible, move your new plant near east-facing windows during morning hours.
Week 4: The stems of your Watermelon vine plant are now four inches long. However, do not disturb the roots when moving them into fresh soil. This will put too much strain on their young developing root system, leading to death if they are not appropriately handled. Another option to repotting, you can wait until your plant becomes root-bound before moving to new soil. It is recommended that mature plant members of the Dischidia species are repotted once every two years.
Dischidia Ovata FAQ
Is the Dischidia Ovata Plant Toxic to Humans, Cats, and Dogs?
Yes, this particular plant is considered toxic if exposed to mucous membranes or skin and can irritate the mucosa of the gastric tract. If there is ingestion, an individual may complain of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
Is the Dischidia Ovata Rare?
Dischidia ovata is a rare plant.
Is Dischidia Ovata a Hoya?
Dischidia ovata is a relative to the Hoya.
How Difficult Is It to Look After a Dischidia Ovata?
Dischidia is not difficult to look after. As long as its temperature, humidity, and light needs are met, the Watermelon plant is low maintenance.
Does the Dischidia Ovata Plant Bloom?
The flower of the Dischidia is small and yellow, and greenish-yellow in color.
How Old Does Dischidia Ovata Have to Be Before They Bloom?
The Dischidia ovata plant doesn’t require a specific age to bloom and may begin blooming in its young stage.
How Fast Do Dischidia Ovata Grow?
Dischidia ovata is a very slow-growing plant.
Does Watermelon Dischidia Ovata Need a Moss Pole?
No, watermelon Dischidia ovata do not need a moss pole.
Why Is My Dischidia Ovata Turning Yellow?
If your Dischidia ovata turns yellow, it could be due to over-watering or the roots being affected by root rot.
Why Are the Leaves on Dischidia Ovata So Small?
If the leaves on Dischidia ovata are smaller than usual, it could be because of too much pruning or a sudden temperature change.
The Bottom Line
Watermelon Dischidia Ovata can make an excellent addition to your home if you are looking for a unique, low-maintenance houseplant. Additionally, it can be used in decorative displays because of its ornamental appearance. Watermelon Dischidia ovata may be an excellent choice for novices and houseplant enthusiasts alike. By using this ultimate care guide, you will be able to make an informed decision on whether or not Watermelon Dischidia ovata is the right plant for you.
Last Updated on August 24, 2022 by Gustaf Johansson