There’s a houseplant for everyone. However, Anthurium Clarinervium is not your typical indoor plant. Nevertheless, houseplant enthusiasts crowned it the Queen of the Anthurium varieties and most deservingly so. It symbolizes hospitality, happiness, and abundance with its stunning heart-shaped leaves punctuated with mesmerizing vein patterns.
In this comprehensive guide, I will share essential information about this rock-growing Velvet Cardboard beauty, basic growing and care tips, humidity preferences, repotting, and how to propagate the anthurium clarinervium plant in your home.
Table of Contents
Anthurium Clarinervium Overview
Anthurium means tail flower in Greek. Found primarily in Mexico and parts of northern Argentina, Panama, and Uruguay, the Anthurium genus has more than 800 tropical species that belong to the Araceae family. They are picked and grown for indoor cultivation because of their brightly colored flower spathes and ornamental leaves.
Among hundreds of different varieties of the Anthurium genus, the Anthurium Clarinervium takes center stage as the Queen of them all. In the wild, this aroid plant thrives in rocky landscapes under the shade of karst or limestone outcroppings.
Often mistaken as an epiphytic plant, the anthurium clarinervium does not naturally grow on trees. The velvet cardboard anthurium variety is an epipetric or lithophyte plant. They are tropical plants that grow on rocks or stones.
Other common names for Anthurium Clarinervium include Queen Anthurium, Esqueleto or skeleton plants, White-Veined Anthurium, Velvet Cardboard Anthurium, and Anthurium clarinervium matuda, and probably many others.
Botanical Name | Anthurium Clarinerviuma |
Family | Araceae |
Commonly Known Names | Queen Anthurium, Velvet Cardboard Anthurium, White-Veined Anthurium |
Origin | Mexico, Argentina, Panama, and Uruguay |
Light | Medium to bright, indirect light |
Watering | Loves lightly moist soil |
Soil | Loose, well-aerated soil |
Temperature | 68ºF (20ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC) |
Humidity | High humidity of at least 50%, or higher |
Propagation | By division, stem cuttings or grow from seed |
Re-Potting | Every 2-3 years on average |
Pests and Diseases | Quite resistant to pests and disease |
Toxicity | Mildly toxic to humans and pets if ingested |
Anthurium Clarinervium Features
The anthurium clarinervium plant has slow to moderate growth. Depending on its environment, the height of this tropical plant can reach up to 1 to 2 feet (30 – 60 cm). The anthurium plant has an average spread of up to 3 feet (90 cm). Just like its height, it also varies according to its growing conditions.
The velvet cardboard plant is prized for its thick and captivating velvety foliage as an ornamental indoor plant. The anthurium clarinervium has unique, big, bright heart-shaped leaves that stand out. The leaves are dark green with a light green shade on the underside.
Nature does not stop there as the leaves of this tropical plant also flaunt prominent white veins in an awe-inspiring pattern throughout the leaf surface.
Anthurium Clarinervium Flowering
A slight downside of the anthurium clarinervium plants is that they don’t produce attractive flowers like the other Anthurium varieties. But, yet again, houseplant parents love the velvet cardboard plant, not for their flowers but the stunning foliage it produces all year round.
The seasonal flowers of the clarinervium plant are small in size, pale green in color, with a bloom size of around 3 to 4 inches. This plant also produces fruit that becomes prominent. On maturity, the fruit turns orange in color.
Like the Philodendrons, the anthurium clarinervium produces sap that contains calcium oxalate crystals. It is a toxic substance that can irritate the mouth, throat, and esophagus if ingested. Therefore, it is best to keep the anthurium plants away from the reach of children and pets.
Deer and Rabbit Resistance
After years of evolution, nature has made the anthurium clarinervium pretty resistant to the abuses of common grazers such as deer and rabbits. With that, the Queen Anthurium can do well even if planted outdoors.
Anthurium Clarinervium Care Guide
When it comes to growing this aroid plant indoors, the velvet cardboard anthurium is not fussy. Even if you don’t have the proverbial green thumb, the Queen Clarinervium is not hard to please. Just be mindful of its basic needs, especially during its growing season and dormancy season.
If you follow this guide below, you will have a tropical plant that will produce spectacular patterned foliage for many years. Let us now look into more details on how to grow and care for your anthurium clarinervium plant.
Ideal Growing Place
If you’re growing the anthurium clarinervium indoors in potting soil, the best place to put it for optimal growth is on an east-facing windowsill. If you have a south- or west-facing window, put the velvet cardboard plant a few feet away from the window or near it with curtains.
Another perfect location for anthurium plants is in a well-lit bathroom. The humidity level of the bathroom and bright lights make this an ideal place for the plant to thrive. The anthurium clarinervium plants would certainly make for an ideal shower plant!
You can also grow the Queen Clarinervium plants outdoors in the summer. But you have to make sure to put the plant pot away from direct sunlight exposure. It is best to place it in partial shade or with indirect light.
The anthurium clarinervium plant is pretty low maintenance when it comes to watering. As a native of Southern Mexico, this tropical plant can tolerate a light watering routine. At least once a week would be fine. However, your anthurium plants may need more watering up to twice a week during the summer months.
You should always keep the soil moist during the growing season (spring and summer) of the anthurium clarinervium plants. The best way to know whether it is time to water the velvet cardboard is to stick your finger 2-inches deep into the soil. If the soil feels dry, pour some water into the plant and allow it to dry in between watering.
Anthurium clarinervium plants thrive best in indirect light conditions. Avoid direct sunlight exposure. The anthurium plant loves the shade. Any prolonged exposure to the sun can burn or scorch the beautiful leaves of the plants.
However, as a tropical plant, the anthurium clarinervium plant cannot survive in a low-light environment. You can quickly tell if your anthurium plants are not getting enough light by their leaves. First, check the foliage of your indoor plants. If the creamy-white veins of the leaves are losing their vibrancy, then it’s time to relocate the plant to a better well-lighted location, preferably with indirect sunlight.
Another sign is the stunted growth of the Velvet Cardboard indoor plants. If it’s not getting enough sunlight, the plant’s growth slows down. You may also notice the stems becoming leggy.
The Queen Anthurium loves to reign in warm, moderate temperatures. Therefore, the recommended temperature for growing velvet cardboard anthurium plants is between 68ºF (20ºC) to 80ºF (27ºC). The anthurium clarinervium plant is therefore ideal for most households.
If you reside in a slightly warmer or cooler location, this anthurium plant variety can tolerate a little leeway. It can handle a colder temperature as long as it does not drop below 55ºF. Under this condition, the velvet cardboard clarinervium plants will show signs of stress, such as wilting or yellowing leaves.
Likewise, if the temperature goes higher than 86ºF, the anthurium clarinervium plant will start to dry up faster and will eventually kill the plant.
We have to keep in mind that the Anthurium Clarinerviums are epipetric plants or lithophytes. These tropical plants grow naturally in rocky landscapes or on a stone as mere support in the wild. This plant has a different root system and does not need much soil in a traditional sense.
The velvet cardboard plants grow best in orchid mix soil, bark, peat moss, or other soilless mediums. I highly recommend planting your Anthurium Clarinervium in the most appropriate potting soil using a fast, well-draining potting soil mix. If you want to go the extra mile, add chunky orchid bark to boost its healthy growth.
Unlike other regular indoor plants, the velvet cardboard anthurium grows best on-air, more or better-aerated planter than in ordinary soil. With that, be sure to use fast-draining soil to prevent any risk of the plant getting waterlogged.
Being a tropical plant from Mexico, the anthurium clarinervium plant is naturally used to a high humidity level. Therefore, this anthurium variety requires at least 60% humidity. However, if you want optimal healthy growth for the plant, it can thrive best in 80% humidity.
If you worry about the humidity level in your home not being sufficient to grow a healthy plant, a few options are available to help you.
First, you can consider placing your anthurium plants in the kitchen or bathroom or other places that tend to have more moisture.
Second, grouping your Anthurium Clarinervium with other plants is another excellent alternative. If you group your indoor plants, they release moisture into the air, improving the humidity level of the surroundings.
Other good options to improve the humidity in your home are:
- Using a humidifier, which may be a little pricey
- Regular misting using a water bottle spray
- Putting your plant on a pebble tray with water and gravel.
The anthurium clarinervium plant does not require as much fertilizing as other houseplants. Feeding it with fertilizers varies depending on the season.
During the spring and summer, the growing seasons for the anthurium plants, I recommend feeding once every 4 to 6 weeks using organic fertilizer or any balanced formula like the NPK ratio of 20-20-20. To prevent burning the plant, I advise diluting the fertilizer to half the strength of the brand’s recommendation.
During the fall or wintertime, the Anthurium clarinervium plants will do just fine without any need for feeding. Don’t get tempted to feed the plant with fertilizer during this dormancy period, as it can lead to detrimental effects.
Always keep in mind that too much fertilizer on the anthurium clarinervium plant is just as bad as overwatering it. The former can cause the burning of the plant, while the latter can lead to root rot. So be mindful when it comes to fertilizing or watering.
Pinching is not required when it comes to anthurium clarinervium care. But from time to time, you may need to do some basic pruning on the houseplant by gently removing dead or decaying leaves. Cutting damaged parts and preserving the plant’s energy source will encourage the plant’s growth.
Remove infected leaves using a sterilized cutting tool to avoid further infection. Then, gently cut down to the main stem without harming the leaves you want to keep. While at it, you can spray or wipe the Anthurium clarinervium leaves to keep the foliage hydrated and get rid of the dust.
Potting and Re-potting
On average, the Anthurium Clarinervium plant may need repotting every 2 to 3 years. To know the best time to repot is when you see the roots starting to fill the pot or starting to circle the planter. This is the time to transplant it to a bigger pot.
The best time to re-pot your clarinervium plant is during springtime. However, there is no need to re-pot the plant unless it becomes too big for the current pot. After that, re-potting the clarinervium is quite easy. The procedure is pretty much the same as any other houseplant.
Just follow these steps on how to re-pot the velvet cardboard plant:
- Gently remove the plant from its original pot
- Get rid of the used soil down to the root ball
- Transplant it to the pre-prepared fresh potting mix
- Be sure to fill the remaining spaces with the rich, moist soil mixture
- Water the plant and let it dry in between watering until the soil moisture is sufficient for the plant’s recovery.
Growth Zone
You can grow the anthurium clarinervium in your yard if you live in USDA growth zones 9a to 11. Just make sure they are placed in a partly shaded spot. The plant can be cultivated outside year-round in these zones but suffers if the temperature drops below 55ºF (13°C).
Common Pests, Toxins, Diseases & Other Problems
Anthurium Clarinervium is resistant to common pests and diseases. But when it comes to poor humidity and overwatering or underwatering, these dismal conditions can cause adverse effects to the plant.
Overall, the Anthurium clarinervium is a pretty tough plant than it looks. However, it needs high humidity and balanced watering for it to thrive. To eliminate spider mites or other pests, spray the insects with isopropyl alcohol or apply neem oil on the infected parts. You may also spray the front and back of leaves and petioles. Rinse the sprayed leaves off with lukewarm water after 20 minutes.
If you notice that your clarinervium plants are producing smaller leaves than usual, this can signify that the plant does not get enough light. Insufficient light or indirect sunlight can cause the plant to grow small, or even no leaves in some cases.
To prevent root rot and fungal diseases affecting the plant, avoid overwatering. To treat for root rot, you can follow this step-by-step guide:
- Carefully remove the plant from the soil to check the roots and assess the damage
- Clean the root ball and cut away the infected roots using a sterilized cutter
- Get rid of the old soil thoroughly and treat the healthy roots by dipping them into a fungicide solution
- Transplant the plant into a fresh, fast-draining potting soil
- Put the plant in a well-lit room for recovery, and water it properly.
When it comes to Anthurium Clarinervium propagation, there are 3 ways to do it, namely:
- Grow from Seeds
- Stem Cuttings
- By Root Division
Propagating the velvet cardboard from seeds can be challenging. Of the 3 methods, this can be the most inefficient and can take longer. I highly recommend propagation through stem cuttings and by root division.
For easier propagation, follow these simple steps to propagate by stem cuttings:
- Sterilize your cutting tools first before using them to avoid infection
- Gently cut 4 to 6-inches from a stem that has nodes or aerial roots
- Dip the end of the aerial roots with a rooting hormone
- Plant your freshly cut stem into its pot
- Be sure to put the new plant in a warm area with indirect sunlight.
Following are the steps for propagating by root division:
- Simply remove your Anthurium clarinervium plant from its pot
- Get rid of any excess soil and untangle the roots
- Divide the roots with at least one or two leaves of each root
- Gently separate them from the mother plant
- Transplant the new roots in a new rich potting mix
- Water the plant to settle the soil and to keep it moist
- Place the new plant in a well-lit, warm spot away from direct sunlight.
Practice mindful watering, feeding, and growing your Anthurium species as you please. Give these houseplants all the necessary care, especially during the initial weeks, to maximize their growth.
Anthurium Clarinervium Mature Timeline
Week 1: Placing the new plant under good growing conditions is crucial at this stage.
Week 2-3: Water the plant adequately.
Week 4-6: You will see small roots coming out of the plant during this period.
Week 12-24: The anthurium clarinervium will keep growing new heart-shaped leaves. Keep watering at least once a week. Make sure to avoid the plant sitting in too much water or soggy soil. Feed the plant with a small amount of fertilizer.
Week 24-30: By this time, the anthurium clarinervium plant will become self-sufficient.
Anthurium Clarinervium Care FAQ
Let’s now look at some of the frequently asked questions about the Velvet Cardboard Anthurium that you may also have.
Is Anthurium Clarinervium Rare?
This stunning Anthurium variety is unfortunately very hard to find in the States. However, this only makes the plant more desirable and highly-coveted among houseplant parents.
Is Anthurium Clarinervium Poisonous?
The clarinervium plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals that are harmful to humans and animals. In ingested, it can cause severe ulceration. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals included the genus Anthurium in the list of poisonous plants that can harm cats, dogs, and horses.
Is Anthurium Clarinervium Fast Growers?
No, this is not a fast-growing houseplant. But at maturity, the plant can grow about 3 feet wide. So you don’t have to worry about this plant taking up too much space in your home or garden. The anthurium plant grows slow enough that the plant only needs to be repotted every few years, two to three years on average. The plant can grow as large as 3 feet wide and 12 to 20 inches in height.
What Is the Difference Between Anthurium Crystallinum and Clarinervium?
The most distinctive difference among the two is the size of the seed. The anthurium clarinervium plant has a much larger seed than the crystallinum. Another difference is that the crystallinum plant has narrower leaves that are brighter green. On the other hand, the clarinervium plant has wider leaves that are dark green. Also, the clarinervium variety grows a little slower than the crystallinum.
Does Anthurium Clarinervium Go Dormant?
Yes, these anthurium plants go dormant during the winter months. Therefore, you should water them less during this period. I also advise against feeding the plant with fertilizer during this dormancy period.
Does Anthurium Clarinervium Produce Flowers?
Many anthurium plants produce lovely flowers, but the clarinervium is not one of them. This plant still produces flowers that are smallish pale green. However, houseplant collectors covet the anthurium clarinervium plant, not for its anthurium clarinervium flower but for its fantastic foliage.
Can I Grow Anthurium Clarinervium Indoors?
You can definitely grow this plant indoors! The ideal growth conditions for this plant to thrive indoors include high humidity, good lighting, and adequate watering.
How Often Should Anthurium Clarinervium Be Watered?
Adequate watering for this plant is at least once a week. However, during the summer months, you can increase your watering routine to twice a week. The rule of thumb is to water it if your upper layer of soil is drying up.
Can Other Plants Grow Alongside Anthurium Clarinervium?
I don’t recommend planting other plants alongside the clarinervium. The reason is that it has a delicate roots system that doesn’t do well with other plants. Be sure to check also for weed growth near it as they can affect its growth.
The Bottom Line
If you have mastered the philodendrons and want to up the ante, the anthurium clarinervium plant is a great choice. While the anthurium clarinervium care requirements are slightly different from that of other houseplants, these plants can happily grow and thrive in your home with a few adjustments.
The clarinervium is a must-have addition to any serious houseplant collectors. These beautiful wild things can be tamed with mindful watering and make charming additions to any indoor space. The Anthurium’ Queen of Hearts’ can grab our attention with their unique, dark green heart-shaped leaves that seem to look back at you with the sweetest intensity of Mother Nature.
Last Updated on August 23, 2022 by Gustaf Johansson