The black magic petunia is a unique petunia hybrid species that is bound to turn heads. The vibrant green foliage contrasts beautifully with the dark black color of the flowers. It is said that this petunia hybrid produces the darkest black flowers among all black petunia varieties. Follow along to learn how to provide the best care for this species!
Table of Contents
Black Magic Petunia Overview
The black magic petunia is a hybrid petunia species that came about in 2013. The original petunia from which this species was hybridized is known as the black velvet, another popular petunia species.
Petunia plants originate from South America and are widely popular among gardeners and flower lovers due to their trailing habit. Many hybrids and petunia varieties exist and are great additions to flower beds, hanging baskets, or decorative pots.
The black magic petunia belongs to the Solanaceae family, also referred to as the nightshade or potato family, and the petunia genus. Read on to learn more about other popular petunia varieties.
Grandiflora: These are the oldest of the petunias and have bouquet-style larger flowers that tend to get spindly during the hottest summers.
Multiflora: These petunias have smaller but more bountiful blooms and are sturdier in windier environments.
Milliflora: The flowers of milliflora are miniature and are often found in hanging baskets.
Spreading (wave): Spreading petunias work well as a ground cover and are drought and heat tolerant.
Botanical Name | Petunia x hybrida |
Family | Solanaceae |
Genus | Petunia |
Origin | Hybrid |
Sunlight | Bright indirect light |
Watering | Once per week |
Soil | Loose, well-draining soil |
Temperature | 53-76 degrees Fahrenheit |
Propagation | Stem-tip cutting |
Re-Potting | Once too large for the current pot |
Pests and Diseases | Mites, caterpillars, thrips, rot, blight |
Toxicity | Nontoxic to humans and pets |

Petunia Black Magic Plant Features
The petunia black magic plant is a stunning addition to any space with its black petals. This species grows to a height of 10-16 inches with a compact spread of 16-20 inches. While the flowers of this species are the star of the show, the leaves grow one inch wide and about three inches in length.
Petunia shrubs do not produce fruit and are nontoxic for humans and pets. Deer and rabbits are a concern when planting anything outdoors, especially in a garden. Unfortunately, these critters enjoy snacking on flowering petunia plants, so plan to take some precautions when growing them outside.
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The Black Magic Petunia Care Guide
Caring for the black magic petunia is fairly simple and low-maintenance when you give the proper growing conditions. This species prefers moderate temperatures to grow and enjoys bright indirect light.
Whether you are planting indoors or in your garden, ensure this species has well-draining and loose soil. Be on the lookout for pests, deer, and rabbits when planting, and inspect your plants when watering about once per week. Read on to learn more about caring for this gorgeous plant!
Ideal Growing Place
This petunia variety is often used in flowering gardens and decorative hanging baskets with their trailing habit. However, if you wish to plant this species in a pot and keep it indoors as a houseplant, you absolutely can. So long as the proper magic petunia black has the proper conditions, it will thrive.
This plant shows rapid growth during the late spring and summer. During this time, the plant grows quickly and produces striking blooms. Once fall and winter come around, the colder temperatures send the plant into dormancy.
Watering your flowering petunia about once per week during the growing season is adequate. If your plant grows in a pot or container, it may need more frequent watering. If the soil feels dry or temperatures are higher than usual, it is time to water. Be wary of overwatering your plant as it can cause harmful root rot.
This species enjoys a lot of sunlight to grow. Full sun for about six hours a day and indirect light for about four hours is best. Keep an eye on your flowering and foliage. If the plant begins to wilt heavily in the blooms and leaves, move your plant to a shadier area with less full sun as soon as possible.
The petunia black magic plant can withstand higher temperatures, with the ideal daytime temperature range of 65-76 degrees Fahrenheit. Ideal nighttime temperatures can go down to 53 degrees, but note this species is not frost tolerant so bring it inside if temperatures drop too low.
The black magic plant does best in loose, well-draining soil. Most common potting mixes will suffice, but consider adding organic amendments to the soil to make it slightly acidic. Some good options include sphagnum moss and perlite to help drainage and pH.
Petunias often prefer low humidity environments. This is great for those looking to plant outdoors since you do not need to use a humidifier or misting techniques.
During the growing season in spring and summer, giving your plant fertilizer is a great way to boost its nutrient intake. You can give your plant fertilizer once or twice a month in these months to support growth. Once fall approaches and growth slows down, fertilizing is not needed.
Pruning your plant is a key part of good maintenance. Once flowers die, it is best to pull them off to make room for new growth and dead or dying leaves. To further encourage growth throughout the season, consider pruning stems once they surpass eight inches. Cut below the flowers, as this will encourage producing new flowers.
Potting and Re-potting
Repotting your petunia plant is best during the spring. Once your plant has become too large for its current pot, select a new one about two to three inches larger than the original. Ensure your new pot has proper drainage to avoid root rot.
Growth Zone
This hybrid variety of petunia grows well in any environment that meets adequate conditions. The USDA plant hardiness zone of 9-11 is best suited for this species and encompasses the southern states and west coast states in the United States.
Common Pests, Toxins, Diseases & Other Problems
Common pest issues with the black magic petunia include mites, caterpillars, and thrips. While watering your plant each week, check your plant for signs of these crawlers. You can treat them with insecticidal soap or neem oil if they are around.
Other issues include root rot caused by overwatering and blight from fungal or bacterial disease.
Black Magic Petunia Propagation
The best way for propagating black magic petunia is to take stem tip cuttings. Gather your gardening gloves, a new pot with soil mix, and sterilized shears to go about this method. Locate a stem tip about three to five inches long with healthy leaves but no flowers.
Cut this section about 1/8 of an inch below the leaf stem, and plant it directly into the fresh soil in the new pot. Cover the pot with plastic wrap to increase humidity, and place it in a warm and bright area. Mist the new plant daily, and only water the soil when it feels dry.
Black Magic Petunia Flower Mature Timeline
After two to three weeks after propagating your plant, the roots should have developed. Once you gently tug on the cutting and feel resistance, the plant is ready to be moved to a new and larger pot.

Black Magic Petunia Plant FAQ
How Big Do Black Magic Flowers Get?
This variety grows to be 10-16 inches tall and 16-20 wide. The plant leaves are about three inches long and one inch wide.
Where Can I Buy Black Magic Petunia Seeds?
The best way to easily find seeds for this variety is online on sites like Etsy or other gardening nursery sites.
Are Black Magic Petunia Flowers Rare?
The black magic variety of petunia is one of the rarest petunia hybrids due to its complete blackness of color.
Is Black Petunia Plants Toxic to Cats, Dogs, and Humans?
Petunia species are nontoxic for humans and animals, but keeping children and pets away from houseplants is always a good idea.
Why Are My Black Magic Petunia Leaves Curling?
One of the most common reasons your petunia leaves are curling is because you are giving it too much water or are watering too often.
Why Is My Black Magic Petunia Leaves Turning Yellow?
If your plant is not receiving enough sun or nutrients through fertilizer, the leaves will turn yellow to let you know.
Why Is My Black Magic Petunia Leaves Turning Brown?
Not watering your plant enough can lead to brown leaves as a side effect.
What Do Black Petunias Symbolize?
Black petunias can symbolize death, bad karma, or negative feelings. In a more positive light, they can represent strength.
How Long Do Black Magic Flowers Last?
Your blooms will appear in the late spring and last until the temperatures drop in the fall.
The Bottom Line
Adding the black magic petunia to your gardens is a great way to help other plants stand out and make a statement with its unique coloring. This low-maintenance plant is beautiful and easy to care for, making them perfect for any space. After reading through our care guide, you can expertly care for this beautiful variety!
Last Updated on September 3, 2022 by Gustaf Johansson