philodendron white knight

Philodendron White Knight: Easy How-to Guide

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In general, the Philodendron genus makes excellent houseplants suitable for various conditions and situations. Philodendron White Knight is the name of a unique, new cultivar of Philodendron, which looks to be an extremely promising addition to anyone’s houseplant collection. The name is something of a misnomer as the plant’s leaves are actually more yellow than white, and it has purple-ish brown stems.

Read on for information about best practices for caring for your plant. You’ll learn about light requirements, ideal temperature, among other factors contributing to the health of your plant.

Table of Contents

Philodendron White Knight Overview

Philodendrons are easy to grow and care for and offer a wide variety of cultivars to choose from. Philodendron White Knight is no exception: just keep in mind that it may be somewhat more difficult to care for than a standard Philodendron due to its unique, yellow leaves.

Philodendron White Knight is a cultivar of the genus Philodendron and the Araceae family. It comes from South America. Philodendron White Knight appears to be a single variety rather than a group of cultivars.

Botanical NamePhilodendron White Knight
OriginSoutheast America
SunlightIndirect light with a medium to high intensity
WateringModerate watering
SoilMoist soil that is high in organic material
Temperature60°F to 80°F (15°C to 26°C)
PropagationSeeds or stem cuttings
Re-PottingWhen the leaves begin to droop or become limp
Pests and DiseasesSusceptible to pests, toxins, diseases, or other problems
ToxicityToxic to kids and pets

White Knight Philodendron Features

The care for a Philodendron can vary depending upon the particular cultivar. In general, they enjoy well-draining soil and high humidity. Indirect light is preferred in terms of lighting as direct sunlight can scorch leaves.

White Knight Philodendrons should be fertilized to grow quickly and maintain healthy growth during the growing season. The height of the White Knight Philodendron is between 1-2 meters tall, 2 feet wide, and 1 foot deep. Therefore, the spread of the White Knight Philodendron is approximately equal to its height.

Philodendron White Knight Care Guide

Philodendron White Knight is a fairly robust, easy-care plant that will grow quickly and look healthy provided it receives adequate water, light, humidity, and fertilizer.

The White Knight Philodendron prefers bright, indirect, or filtered sunlight – it will do well when placed near a window. While the plant can tolerate being over-watered, it will not survive long with too little water. Therefore, the soil should be moist but never soggy, and the plant should always have a drainage tray beneath it. It can do well when planted in any type of medium that retains moisture, such as tree-fern fiber, coconut husk fiber (coir), peat moss, or sphagnum moss.

Ideal Growing Place

The ideal growing place for the White Knight Philodendron gets bright, indirect sunlight – but no fluorescent lighting. It can tolerate lower light levels too – but won’t grow as quickly or look as well.

The White Knight Philodendron is an indoor plant. However, it can grow outside in extremely warm climates where annual high temperatures don’t drop below 15 degrees Celsius.

Though it can survive through autumn and winter, the White Knight Philodendron will grow best in spring and summer. When grown indoors, its growth cycles should match the seasons of where it is being kept.


This plant needs moderate watering. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Let it dry between each watering. If you are growing it in average to low lighting, be sure to wait until the topmost soil feels dry to touch before you water it again. Measure the soil before you water, and then afterward. This is a good way to monitor how much water you give your plant. Only tepid or room temperature liquid should be used to water Philodendron White Knight. Cold or hot liquid can shock its roots.


Indirect light with a medium to high intensity is ideal for these plants. Direct sunlight is too harsh for its delicate foliage. Additionally, the white parts of the leaves with variegation are most vulnerable.

Color variation enhances the beauty of the white Knight foliage. However, plants that remain in the shade and low light for an extended period may lose their variegation.


Philodendrons grow best when the temperature is between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit (15-26 Celsius). To protect your plant from fluctuating temperatures, make sure you place it away from drafty windows or doors. However, they do best in natural light. So if your windows are draft-free, go ahead and place your White Knights there!


Philodendron White Knight requires moist soil that is high in organic material. Use a potting mix of compounded topsoil, peat moss, and perlite for best results. If you cannot make your own blend, purchase one with these soil particles already blended together. A commercial potting mix may not be able to provide the same quality.


White Knights have a moderate tolerance for humidity. They do not require high humidity, but they will grow better if the air around them is relatively moist. If you are growing these plants indoors, place them near a mister of water to raise the humidity. Alternatively, put them on trays of wet pebbles or use humidifiers for higher humidity levels.


Any good house plant fertilizer, including liquid fertilizer, will work. However, if you are trying to encourage growth in your plant, use one with higher potassium levels. If it is during the fall and winter months when the plant is not growing, then switch to a balanced or slow-release fertilizer.


You should not pinch or prune your plant. However, if you feel like it needs any shape or size correction, you can do so anytime throughout the year. Gently use your fingers to remove any dead leaves and branches. If you want to get rid of large sections, cut them off with clean scissors. Make sure you treat the wound with a fungicide to prevent any pathogens from infecting your plant.

Potting and Re-Potting

Philodendrons do best in large containers as they require a lot of room for their roots. When you see their leaves beginning to droop or become limp, that is your signal that it needs repotting. If your small pot can no longer meet your philodendron’s growing needs, repot Philodendron White Knight in a container one size larger every spring before the growing season begins. Add more soil if needed.

Growth Zone

USDA Hardiness Zones 11-12 are optimal for Philodendron White Knight. However, you must remember that it is a rainforest plant and will do well in other zones as well. If you live in an area with milder winters, then your plant should survive fine outside during the winter months. Make sure you bring it indoors during extreme temperature fluctuations. Freezing temperatures should be avoided.

USDA Hardiness Zones 11 and 12 are characterized by warm to hot summers and minimum temperatures of 40 degrees. Many 11 and 12 zones can be found in the southern American states, including Hawaii, plus tropical locations such as Puerto Rico.

Common Pests, Toxins, Diseases & Other Problems

All plants have to deal with pest or disease issues at some point. Spider mites are the main pest. These pests suck the sap out of the leaves and cause them to turn yellow. If not removed quickly, they will kill your plant. Use miticides or horticultural oils to remove spider mites safely. You can also wash your plant with soapy water and use a cotton swab to rub your plant’s leaves.

Philodendron varieties also have to be careful to avoid the most common diseases like root rot or potential fungal infection brought on by overwatering. It should receive just enough water and enough air circulation to maintain a healthy stem and leaves.

Philodendron White Knight Propagation

You can propagate Philodendron White Knight through seeds or stem cuttings. Stem cuttings must be at least 40 cm long and contain 2 to 3 nochymas. Remove the leaves from the lower half and dip them in a rooting hormone. Place them in a humidity dome or bag and make sure they get a lot of indirect sunlight. You should see roots start new growth within a few weeks.

To propagate using seeds, you must first remove the seed’s outer coating with water before planting it in a mixture of peat/perlite medium that has been moistened properly. Next, place it in a humidity dome or bag and maintain the same light conditions as Philodendrons grown from cuttings. It should germinate within two weeks.

Propagation is very easy for this plant, but it takes much less time to propagate through stem cutting than it does with seeds.

Philodendron White Knight Mature Timeline

It takes around two years for younger plants to reach maturity.

It takes about 2 months before you see any visual changes in your plant. However, you will notice some subtle changes before this happens. For example, the new leaves are usually smaller than the rest and usually yellow instead of green. But it is not until the new growth begins to overtake the old growth that you will notice any significant changes in size and coloration.

Ensure your plant gets lots of indirect sunlight during this time, or its foliage will remain mostly yellow. If possible, place it near a window so it can get some direct sunlight.

The older, large leaves begin turning yellow in about month two and eventually fall off. You may find new, small leaves beneath them, or you may find bare stems with nothing on them at all (depending upon your plant’s growing conditions). The bare stems usually grow into full-sized branches by the end of the first year.

Philo White Knight Plant Comparisons

Is the Philodendron White Knight Rare?

Philodendron White Knight is a rare aroid and is popular amongst plant enthusiasts for its unique coloration.

Is the White Knight Philodendron Toxic to Dogs and Cats?

The Philodendron White Knight is considered mild to moderately toxic. It is important to keep small children, dogs, and cats who could potentially ingest parts of the plant. Symptoms such as oral pain and irritation, swelling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and excessive drool can result if consumed.

Is White Knight Philodendron Poisonous?

The White Knight Philodendron is poisonous if consumed and can cause symptoms such as oral pain and irritation, swelling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and excessive drool.

Where Can I Buy a Philodendron White Knight?

You can buy Philodendron White Knight at some independent garden centers or through online seed or plant suppliers.

Why Are Philodendron White Knights Expensive?

The Philodendron White Knight is expensive compared to other species of Philodendron because of its rarity and is a unique cultivar.

Is the Philodendron White Knight a Climber?

Yes, Philodendron White Knight is a great climber, so utilize a pole or trellis and watch your White Knight grow!

How Old Does Philodendron White Knight Have to Be Before They Bloom?

Philo White Knight flowers will begin appearing when the plant is mature (3-5 years old) and usually bloom during the spring and summer.

Why Does My White Knight Philodendron Have Brown Leaves?

If your Philodendron White Knight has brown leaves, the humidity level is most likely too low. Add a humidifier or place it on top of a tray of wet pebbles to increase the humidity.

Why Does My White Knight Philodendron Have Yellow Leaves?

Yellow leaves on Philodendron White Knight may be due to over-watering or receiving too much direct sunlight causes leaves to burn.

Why Is the Color of the Leaves of My Philodendron White Knight Turning Green?

The white variegation can be lost if your White Knight is left in the shade for too long. Be careful, as it is hard to restore the white variegated leaves even if exposed to enough light thereafter.

What Causes Variegated Philodendron White Knight?

The Philodendron White Knight is naturally variegated.

Can White Knight Philodendron Revert? 

Yes, White Knight Philodendron can revert to a normal Philodendron leaf color if left in the shade for long stretches of time.

Philodendron White Princess vs. White Knight

The Philodendron White Knight and the Philodendron White Princess varieties look very similar. However, the White Knight is more compact. It also has leaves that are whiter in color. The stems also differ. The White Knight variety has white knight vs. white wizard purple brown stems, while the White Princess has green stems.

Philodendron White Knight vs. White Wizard

The Philodendron White Knight and the Philodendron White Wizard varieties look very similar. The White Knight variety is larger but less waxy than the White Wizard plant. The main difference is that the leaves of Philodendron White Knight are wider and more yellow.

White Knight Philodendron FAQ

Is the Philodendron White Knight Rare?

Philodendron White Knight is a rare aroid and is popular amongst plant enthusiasts for its unique coloration.

Is the White Knight Philodendron Toxic to Dogs and Cats?

The Philodendron White Knight is considered mild to moderately toxic. It is important to keep small children, dogs, and cats who could potentially ingest parts of the plant. Symptoms such as oral pain and irritation, swelling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and excessive drool can result if consumed.

Is White Knight Philodendron Poisonous?

The White Knight Philodendron is poisonous if consumed and can cause symptoms such as oral pain and irritation, swelling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and excessive drool.

Where Can I Buy a Philodendron White Knight?

You can buy Philodendron White Knight at some independent garden centers or through online seed or plant suppliers.

Why Are Philodendron White Knights Expensive?

The Philodendron White Knight is expensive compared to other species of Philodendron because of its rarity and is a unique cultivar.

Is the Philodendron White Knight a Climber?

Yes, Philodendron White Knight is a great climber, so utilize a pole or trellis and watch your White Knight grow!

How Old Does Philodendron White Knight Have to Be Before They Bloom?

Philo White Knight flowers will begin appearing when the plant is mature (3-5 years old) and usually bloom during the spring and summer.

Why Does My White Knight Philodendron Have Brown Leaves?

If your Philodendron White Knight has brown leaves, the humidity level is most likely too low. Add a humidifier or place it on top of a tray of wet pebbles to increase the humidity.

Why Does My White Knight Philodendron Have Yellow Leaves?

Yellow leaves on Philodendron White Knight may be due to over-watering or receiving too much direct sunlight causes leaves to burn.

Why Is the Color of the Leaves of My Philodendron White Knight Turning Green?

The white variegation can be lost If your White Knight is left in the shade for too long. Be careful, as it is hard to restore the white variegated leaves even if exposed to enough light thereafter.

What Causes Variegated Philodendron White Knight?

The Philodendron White Knight is naturally variegated.

Can White Knight Philodendron Revert? 

Yes, White Knight Philodendron can revert to a normal Philodendron leaf color if left in the shade for long stretches of time.

The Bottom Line

Philodendron plants have over 450 varieties, but the Philodendron White Knight is one of the most high-demand tropical plants due to its rarity and pleasing aesthetics. It’s easy to grow, propagate, and tolerate neglect. White Knight Philodendrons prefer hot and humid conditions like most other tropical houseplants, but they also need good drainage and planted in rich, fresh potting soil to thrive. As long as you meet those needs, they should be easy to grow and reward your efforts with an unusual color and beauty.

Last Updated on August 24, 2022 by Gustaf Johansson

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